Sunday, December 16, 2012


what i've learned in life:love but not too much,give but leave somethings for yourself,fight but learn to let go,cry but try to move on----生活让我学会了;去爱,却不要爱太深;付出,却记得为自己保留点;争取,却还懂的放弃;哭泣却仍勇往直前。

Good night blogger ❤

可以给我爱的kiss kiss吗?晚安sweet sweet dream my babies x

Naked face working on late night!

Its late night 12.46am now,and i still busying with my works...Do u same like me when busying half will play snapshoot?Lol!i always release my stress with taking snapshoot...I juz open my new page on 13/12/2012..Follow my page?